Machine Learning: Structuring Machine Learning Projects Week2 Notes

Posted by Tianle on October 26, 2017

Error Analysis

Carrying out error analysis

Look at dev examples to evaluate ideas

Should you try to make your cat classifier do better on dogs? Let’s say 10% error

  • Get 100 mislabeled dev set examples
  • Count up how many are dogs

If 5 out of 100 are dogs, then the ceiling of improvements is likely to be 9.5%

Evaluate multiple ideas in parallel

Ideas for cat detection:

  • Fix pictaures of dogs being recognized as cats
  • Fix great cats (lions, panthers, etc..) being misrecognized
  • Improve performance on blurry images
  • Instagram (filters)

Cleaning up incorrectly labeled data

Incorrectly labeled examples

For training set, DL algorithms are quite robust to random errors (not systematic/consistent errors) in the training set. For dev/test set, add extra column for incorrect label and check the percentage and fix it if it’s large.

Correcting incorrect dev/test set examples

  • Apply same process to your dev and test sets to make sure they continue to come from the same distribution.
  • Consider examining examples your algorithm got right as well as ones it got wrong.
  • Train and dev/test data may now come from slightly different distributions.

Build your first system quickly, then iterate

Speech recognition example

  • Noisy background
    • Cafe noise
    • Car noise
  • Accented speech
  • Far from microphone
  • Young children’s speech
  • Stuttering
  • Set up dev/test set and metric
  • Build initial system quickly
  • Use Bias/Variance analysis & Error analysis to prioritize next steps


Build your first system quickly, then iterate

Mismatched training and dev/test set

Training and testing on different distributions

Cat app example

Data from webpages Data from mobile app(care about this)
200,000 10,000

Option 1: 210,000 shuffle into 205,000 for training, 2500 for dev and 2500 for test (not good) Option 2: 200,000 from web + 5000 from mobile, 2500 for dev and 2500 for test

Speech recognition example

Training(500,000) Dev/test(20,000)
Purchased data Speech activated
Smart speaker control rearview mirror
Voice keyboard  

Option 1: 500k for training, 10k for Dev and 10k for test Option 2: 500k + 10k for training, 5k for Dev and 5k for test

Bias and Variance with mismatched data distributions

Cat classifier example

Humans 0% 0% 0% 0%
Error     Avoidable bias Avoidable bias
Training error 1% 1% 10% 10%
Error Variance      
Training-dev error 9% 1.5% 11% 11%
Error   Data mismatch   Data mismatch
Dev error 10% 10% 12% 20%

Training-dev set: Same distribution as training set, but not used for training

Bias/variance on mismatched training and dev/test sets

Human level 4%
Error avoidable bias
Training set error 7%
Error variance
Training-dev set error 10%
Error data mismatch
Dev error 12%
Error degree of overfitting
Test error 12%

Addressing data mismatch

  • Carry out manual error analysis to try to understand difference between training and dev/test sets

    E.g. noisy - car noise street numbers

  • Make training data more similar; or collect more data similar to dev/test sets

    E.g. Simulate noisy in-car data

Artificial data synthesis

Combine data and arfificial synthesis

Notes: If you have 10,000 hours data but only 1 hour car noise, it may overfit to 1 hour of car noise.

Learning from multiple tasks

Transfer learning

Small data set: Take the exist trained model with pre-tuned weight and replace the last layer(with randomly initialized weights) according to the new requirements Large data set: Re-train the whole model

When transfer learning makes sense

Transfer from A -> B

  • Task A and B have the same input x.
  • You have a lot more data for Task A than Task B.
  • Low level features from A could be helpful for learning B.

Multi-task learning

Simplified autonomous driving example

Feature y(i)
Pedestrains 0
Cars 1
Stop signs 1
Traffic lights 0

Neural network architecture

If there’s some feature not available(as ? mark), we can just ignore them and pick whatever is available then sum them up. Unlike softmax regression: One image can have multiple labels

When multi-task learning makes sense

  • Training on a set of tasks that could benifit from having shared lower-level features.
  • Usually: Amount of data you have for each task is quite similar.
  • Can train a big enough neural network to do well on all the tasks.

End-to-end deep learning

What is end-to-end deep learning?

Speech recognition example

x: audio -> feature -> phonemes -> words -> y: transcript x: audio ———————————> y: transcript (end-to-end)

Face recognition

More examples

Machine translation: English -> text analysis -> … -> French English ————————-> French

Estimating child’s age: Image -> bones -> age Image ———-> age

Whether to use end-to-end deep learning

Pros and cons of end-to-end deep learning


  • Let the data speak
  • Less hand-designing of components needed


  • May need large amount of data
  • Excludes potentially useful hand-designed components

Applying end-to-end deep learning

Key question: Do you have sufficient data to learn a function of the complexity needed to map x to y?

  • Use DL to learn individual components
  • Carefully choose X -> Y depending what tasks you can get data for

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