Optimization Algorithms
Mini-batch Gradient Descent
- Training set i: \(X^{(i)}\)
- Neural Network Layer l: \(Z^{[l]}\)
Mini Batch t: \(X^{\{t\}}\) \(Y^{\{t\}}\)
- Function Flow
for t = 1, ..., 5000 forward prop compute cost J backward prop update parameters
Understanding Mini-batch Gradient Descent
Choosing Your Mini-batch Size
- Size = m: Batch Gradient Descent
Too Long Per Iteration
- Size = 1: Stochastic Gradient Descent
Lose Speedup from Vectorization
- In Practice: Somewhere in-between 1 and m
Fastest Learning
- Vectorization (~1000)
- Make Progress without Processing Entire Training Set
If small training set: Use batch gradient descent (m <= 2000)
- Typical mini-batch size: 64, 128, 256, 512
- Make sure mini-batch fits in CPU/GPU memory
Exponentially Weighted Averages
\(V_t=\beta V_{t-1}+(1-\beta)\theta_t\)
Average over:
\[\approx\frac{1}{1-\beta} days\] \[\beta=0.9 \approx 10-days-temperature\] \[\beta=0.98 \approx 50-days-temperature\] \[\beta=0.5 \approx 2-days-temperature\]Bias Correction in Exponentially Weighted Averages
Bias Correction
To avoid bias, instead of using \(V_t\), we use: \(\frac{V_t}{1-\beta^t}\)
Gradient Descent with Momentum
Implementation Details
\[V_{dW}=\beta V_{dW}+(1-\beta)d_W\] \[V_{db}=\beta V_{db}+(1-\beta)d_b\] \[W=W-\alpha V_{dW}\] \[b=b-\alpha V_{db}\]RMSprop (Root Mean Square)
Implementation Details
\[S_{dW}=\beta_2 S_{dW}+(1-\beta_2)dW^2\] \[S_{db}=\beta_2 S_{db}+(1-\beta_2)db^2\] \[W:=W-\alpha \frac{dW}{\sqrt{S_{dw}}}\] \[b:=b-\alpha \frac{db}{\sqrt{S_{db}}}\]Adam(Adaptive Moment Estimation) Optimization Algorithm
Implementation Details
\[V_{dW}=0, S_{dW}=0, V_{db}=0, S_{db}=0\]On iterater t:
Compute dW, db using mini-batch
\[V_{dW}=\beta_1 V_{dW}+(1-\beta_1)d_W\] \[V_{db}=\beta_1 V_{db}+(1-\beta_1)d_b\] \[S_{dW}=\beta_2 S_{dW}+(1-\beta_2)dW^2\] \[S_{db}=\beta_2 S_{db}+(1-\beta_2)db^2\] \[V_{dW}^{corrected}=V_{dW}/(1-\beta_1^t)\] \[V_{db}^{corrected}=V_{db}/(1-\beta_1^t)\] \[S_{dW}^{corrected}=S_{dW}/(1-\beta_2^t)\] \[S_{db}^{corrected}=S_{db}/(1-\beta_2^t)\] \[W:=W-\alpha\frac{V_{dW}^{corrected}}{\sqrt{S_{dW}^{corrected}}+\epsilon}\] \[b:=b-\alpha\frac{V_{db}^{corrected}}{\sqrt{S_{db}^{corrected}}+\epsilon}\]Hyperparameters Choice
\(\alpha\) Needs to be tune
\[\beta_1 ------ 0.9 ------ (dW)\] \[\beta_2 ------ 0.99 ----- (dW^2)\] \[\epsilon ----- 10^{-8}\]Learning Rate Decay
Implementation Details \(\alpha=\frac{1}{1+decay-rate*epoch-num}\alpha_0\)
Other Learning Rate Decay Methods
Exponentially Decay \(\alpha=0.95^{epoch-num}\alpha_0\)
\[\alpha=\frac{k}{\sqrt{epoch_num}}\alpha_0\]Discrete Staircase
Manual Decay
The Problem of Local Optima
Problem of Plateaus
- Unlikely to get stuck in a bad local optima
- Plateaus can make learning slow
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