Just for fun


ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers Notes

Guidelines Principle 1 Write clear and specific instructions: Tactic 1: Use delimiters like quotes, backticks, etc. Tactic 2: Ask for structu...

Machine Learning: Sequence Models Week3 Notes

Various sequence to sequence architectures Basic Models Sequence to sequence model x<1> x<2> x<3> x<4> x<5> Jane vis...

Machine Learning: Sequence Models Week2 Notes

Introduction to Word Embeddings Word Representation \(V = [a, aaron, ..., zulu, <UNK>]\) 1-hot representation Featurized representation:word...

Machine Learning: Structuring Machine Learning Projects Week2 Notes

Error Analysis Carrying out error analysis Look at dev examples to evaluate ideas Should you try to make your cat classifier do better on dogs? Le...

Machine Learning: Structuring Machine Learning Projects Week1 Notes

Introduction to ML Strategy Why ML Strategy Ideas Collect more data Collect more diverse traning set Train algorithm longer with gradient de...

Machine Learning: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization Week3 Notes

Hyperparameter Tuning Tuning Process Try Random Values: Don’t use a grid Coarse to Fine After found the best performance area, zoom in to the are...

Machine Learning: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization Week2 Notes

Optimization Algorithms Mini-batch Gradient Descent Training set i: \(X^{(i)}\) Neural Network Layer l: \(Z^{[l]}\) Mini Batch t: \(X^{...

Machine Learning: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization Week1 Notes

Setting up your Machine Learning Application Train/Dev/Test sets For small number of Data, 70/30 or 60/20/20, but for large data say 1 million,...